A free, mobile Shred Day where the community can get rid of their sensitive documents – an essential service to protect against identity theft. The Tallahassee community is invited to visit First Commerce’s Summit East Financial Center at 2073 Summit Lake Drive on Thursday, November 7 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. for the free drive-thru event. The Secure Records Solutions shred truck will be stationed outside the financial center and will be accepting boxes of documents until the truck is full.
To ensure as many people as possible can take advantage of this free community service, a three-box per person limit will be strictly enforced. Each box should be unsealed and no larger than a standard 12×15-inch Bankers Box. Anyone bringing documents to be shredded should place them in unsealed, disposable containers no larger than 12×15 inches. Documents in plastic bags will not be accepted. There is no need to remove staples, paper clips or paper-based folders.