Research shows that the experiences and interactions a child has between ages 0-5 have long-term impacts on brain development. A solid foundation and early learning are critical for later success in school, health, career, and life. Children who start kindergarten with grade-level skills or higher are on track for a successful and satisfying education. They start ahead and stay ahead.
Classroom Connection is a partnership between the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, World Class Schools, and Leon County Schools that allows the business community to support our students and teachers during the first years of elementary school. As part of the Chamber’s focus on community, prosperity, and education, the classroom adoption program is an investment in the next generation of our workforce.

Businesses interested in partnering are matched with a Leon County Schools’ Kindergarten (or 1st grade) classroom. The company and teacher will work together to identify needs specific to the class. Throughout the year, businesses can visit their classrooms with the students they’re supporting through reading time, educational activities, and/or field trips.
If you want to learn more about becoming a Classroom Connection sponsor, email Dana Noles at dnoles@talchamber.com.