Instructor: Joshua Lessard, Messianic Rabbi, M.A. The 20th Century has seen the resurrection of a movement of Jews who believe in Jesus and wish to maintain their Jewish cultural identity. This seminar will explore the structure of Jewish prayer, experience a Messianic Jewish Sabbath service, partake in a Messianic Kiddush meal, investigate the history of Messianic Judaism, explain the role of Gentiles within the Messianic Jewish movement, and discuss the relationship between Messianic Judaism, Christianity, and other forms of Judaism. Course Number: HIS 446. Location: Tikvat Ami Synagogue, 3324 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee (Heritage Academy Building). Cost: $25 for personal growth or $49 for .5 semester credit Text: Your Bible and a notebook.
For further information or to register, please visit or call 514-3777.