Adopt a Meals on Wheels Route- Change Lives!

For food insecure, low-income seniors without the ability to leave their home, access to other community nutrition programs may not be an option. Meals on Wheels is the ideal, and in many cases the only, method of nutritional supplementation for them due to its ability to deliver the food directly to the individual’s home or to other places where seniors are already living or gathering.

Studies have shown that food insecure seniors have health limitations comparable to food secure seniors 14 years older. The 2024 Fact Sheet published by Meals on Wheels America, reports that 18.7% of seniors in Florida are threatened by hunger and 13.7% have low to very low food security. Our Meals on Wheels program directly combats this issue in our community, ensuring that seniors have access to nutritious meals, promoting their health, and bolstering their quality of life.

Our community is stronger when we value the unique life experiences of all its members. Elder Care Services invites you to join us in providing this vital care by sponsoring a Meals on Wheels delivery route.

How it Works Every Monday-Friday, prepared meals are delivered to over 250 seniors through 29 routes. Community members volunteer as individuals or teams to take a route one day a week. As a meal route sponsor, you can send a team to deliver the route yourselves on the sponsorship day you select or you may choose to have an ECS employee or volunteer bring your logo with them on a route they deliver. We will take photos of your logo sign riding in the car with the coolers to use in publications. Only one sponsor will be allowed per day to ensure maximum exposure.

The average cost for one week of meals is $300 per route. Meals on Wheels Delivery Route Sponsorships of $300 directly support the meal costs and provide a week of meals delivered to local seniors in their homes.

Our personalized meal delivery service and congregate sites provide more than just vital nutrition; they foster social connections among seniors and contribute to their overall well-being, both physical and emotional. Studies show that chronic loneliness among seniors has a similar effect on their physical health as smoking 14 cigarettes a day. This personal delivery is possible thanks to a strong volunteer program that engages hundreds of members of our community each year. These volunteers commit to delivering a specific meal route each week. The relationships they build with the seniors are critical to their health as they may be the only person the senior sees that day. Volunteers become a social link, keeping each senior connected to the community.

As a sponsor, your team or logo stand-in will be part of this committed group, while you also financially support the meals on that route for one week.

Meals on Wheels Route Sponsorship Benefits – $300

Pre-and Post-route social media posts: At least one of these posts will be boosted (paid) with the decision made based on the closest ‘most active engagement” day/time according to our social media analytics.

Newsletter recognition in e-newsletter sent to over 1,500 subscribers

Please contact Nicole Ballas to reserve a sponsorship day.

Nicole Ballas | Elder Care Services Inc. | Chief Development Officer (w) 850-245-5945; (c) 706-280-9386; (e)