Florida Trend Magazine has released its annual ranking of Florida’s 350 biggest companies and there are three headquartered in the greater Tallahassee area. To be considered for this listing, companies must be based in Florida and either be publicly traded or privately held. For the 2019 listing, there are 125 public companies and 225 private companies with rankings based on such factors as revenues, profits, year over year growth and total employees. Tallahassee is home to one of the largest public companies and two of the biggest private firms.
Public Companies
Ranking: 110 out of 125
Previous Ranking: 117 (+6)
Employees: 801
Revenue: $99.4 million (+14.34%)
Profit: $26.2 million
Private Companies
Ranking: 74 out of 225
Previous Ranking: 68 (-6)
Employees: 400
Revenue: $891.7 million (+2.7%)
Ranking: 184 out of 225
Previous Ranking: 220 (+36)
Employees: 193
Revenue: $261.0 million (+44.5%)
Read the full list HERE.