“Royce Lovett Loves Tallahassee”

Royce Lovett loves Tallahassee. If you don’t know him you should. Lovett is a homegrown musician who has been building an impressive career for himself. Recently, he achieved a few minutes of fame as a finalist on the hit NBC show, The Voice. During his time on the show, video clips of him singing and interacting with recording star Gwen Stefani went viral across the internet. Naturally, his ascendance to the national spotlight gave our community something to be proud of. Among Lovett’s many impressive attributes, one of the most noticeable is his passion for Tallahassee. He’s a believer in our community and during his time in the national spotlight, he chose to share that love with the world. This is something we should all aspire to.

Tallahassee needs great ambassadors and Lovett continues to show us all how to do that important work. There is much to admire about his efforts. His story resonates because it comes from the heart. His adoration for the community he came from pours out in his music too. For those who know of Lovett and his incredible performance abilities, it’s easy to see why he continues to attract fans.

Lovett leaves us all with something to consider. Could we attract more fans of Tallahassee by better developing and telling our individual stories? In order to do so, we all must start with the reasons we love our community. As citizens, by telling our Tallahassee stories, we can help shape new narratives for the place we love so much.

With that in mind, the Chamber’s Access Tallahassee program is hosting Royce Lovett as a keynote speaker at its Annual Meeting luncheon next Thursday, January 23rd. Access Tallahassee is the largest young professional organization in our community and an important venue for addressing how we can attract a new generation of residents to the Capital City. At our upcoming Access Annual Meeting, attendees will have an opportunity to hear directly from Lovett and find inspiration for how to tell their stories and share some love for Tallahassee. Registration for this luncheon event is open to both Chamber and Access members as well as the general public.

Our community is a special place. The list of accolades is long and there is evidence of growth all around us. We certainly aren’t a perfect community, but no place is. We have our challenges and

fortunately there are leaders of all kinds working hard to address them. Just as we need that work to be done, we also need more people to celebrate the best of our hometown. We need to take the Royce Lovett approach to bragging on Tallahassee.

For those who are interested in finding some inspiration on how to be a champion of Tallahassee we encourage you to attend the Access Annual Meeting. If you are a young professional or know others who are, we hope you will join us and bring guests to enjoy listening to Lovett speak and perform. We believe that Lovett has shown us all just how impactful one person’s story can be. Our hope is to see all our members, family, friends and neighbors embrace their ability to promote our community. We can all make a difference in shaping how the world sees Tallahassee and the first step is telling a passionate story about why we love it here. If Royce Lovett can do it, so can we.

To register for Access Tallahassee Annual meeting, click HERE.

Jay Revell
Vice President