Apalachee Center B.E.A.C.H. Unit Grand Opening
2634-B Capital Circle, NE
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Apalachee Center is the largest community mental health center between Pensacola and Gainesville, providing a full range of treatment across the entire spectrum of behavioral health, from acute inpatient hospitalization to outpatient psychotherapy and medication management. Apalachee Center serves Leon, Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and Wakulla counties.
Grand Opening of the Apalachee Center’s B.E.A.C.H. Unit
(Behavioral Excellence and Care for Children’s Health)
We are very pleased to announce the opening of our new 12 bed Children’s Inpatient Psychiatric Unit, known as the BEACH (Behavioral Excellence and Care for Children’s Health) unit, which will be located on our Leon County campus. This new unit will allow Apalachee Center, Inc. to provide more and greater access to services for children and youth in psychiatric crisis in Florida’s Big Bend region and beyond.