Dr. Kelly McGee is a 2019 Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate. She has been practicing in Ohio for 2 years before relocating to Tallahassee, FL. Dr. McGee provides low force chiropractic care which is safe and effective for people of all ages. Dr. McGee loves helping her patients not only get well but stay well. Dr. McGee became interested in chiropractic after receiving her first chiropractic adjustment when she was in high school. She was amazed at how chiropractic was able to help her with her sports-related injuries, headaches, and allergies. Dr. McGee’s passion for chiropractic comes from the years she was able to add back to her life, and now it is her goal to help her community live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
Dr. McGee works alongside Dr. Matthew Zaideman, DC CFMP FIBFN-CND, owner and chiropractor at North Florida Spine and Wellness. North Florida Spine and Wellness strives to be a center of wellness for their patients and community providing specific low force chiropractic care, designed clinical nutrition, food allergy testing, functional neurology, massage therapy, custom orthotics, and much more. For more information about North Florida Spine and Wellness, please visit www.healthytallahassee.com or call (850) 877-6790.