Leon County hosts virtual youth career expo


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Leon County leaders want to help make sure your children are thinking about their futures by presenting a new virtual career expo.

In partnership with Leon County Schools, the Office of Economic Vitality and the Grater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, more than 50 local businesses will make themselves available to prepare students for the workforce.

“When you’re in 11th and 12th grade you’re getting ready to make some really big decisions about your future,” said Christina Paredes, OEV Director. “And if you’re on a college track, that means you’re deciding which college you want to go to, but if you’re not, we wanted to make sure we exposed you to a good-paying career opportunity that exists in the skilled trades.”

The expo tackled 7th and 8th graders Thursday and will welcome 11th and 12th graders on Sept. 30.

More than 1,000 students have registered as of Thursday and others who may be interested can sign up through their school.