From WTXL ABC 27
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — The Leon County Sheriff’s Office is working with local partners to place 1,000 former inmates in local positions.
“I just want to thank the chambers and the business community for all their help getting this done,” said Sheriff Walt McNeil.
The Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, the Capital City Chamber of Commerce, and the Big Bend Minority Chamber of commerce are All In, helping LCSO towards their goal by identifying businesses willing to hire those who were formerly incarcerated.
“We say we’re all in, and that’s what it takes,” said the sheriff. “All the pieces of this community, every citizen working together to drive this crime down.”
Helping them secure a living wage could, in turn, decrease their likelihood to become repeat offenders.
“I’m just buoyed up and happy that we got so many citizens ready to lend a hand and do what they can to fight crime,” McNeil said.
About 30 businesses have joined their efforts since the program began, netting as many as 20 new jobs. Many of the positions offered are from partners in either service or construction industries like Ajax and Marpan.
Sheriff McNeil said they have a long way to go, but that they won’t stop until they’ve filled 1,000 positions.