Thirty-eighth Annual Spring Garden Party

Home of Sara and Brewser Brown
416 Plantation Road

The Spring Garden Party raises funds to support cancer
patients receiving treatment in our area. We are grateful to all who have
attended and contributed so generously. Over the past five years, contributions
have helped furnish a variety of services benefiting the patients of the
Tallahassee Memorial Cancer Center and Angie Deeb Cancer Unit which include the
25 Sleeper Chairs for patient rooms
IV Fluid Warming Machine for Chemotherapy Patients
Wig program (316 wigs provided to date)
Blanket Warming Machine
Robes, Slippers and Socks for Radiation Patients (586 robes
and 192 slippers and socks provided to date)
Music Therapy Services
TMH Foundation Contact: JoAnne Adams (850) 431-5931 or JoAnne.Adams@TMH.ORG