Drop off the kids with us while you take care of your shopping at Market Days! We’ll ensure they have loads of fun as they make crafts, play games, design creative snacks, and have up close encounters with some of our critters. You may send them with a packed lunch, or they can enjoy a cheese pizza lunch with a snack and drink offered through us. This program is appropriate for grades K-5th. – See more at: http://tallahasseemuseum.org/blog/ai1ec_event/market-days-kids-play/?instance_id=825#sthash.3NjVZKZY.dpuf
Why I joined the Chamber
“Participating in Chamber events assist us in developing relationships with other valuable local businesses and helps direct us in learning how to support the local economy. The Chamber events gives us opportunities to network and keep our local business name amongst others in the community in a way that no other marketing opportunities do.”
Karen Frost
Capital Health Plan