Imagine a nameless, faceless person with their hand out asking you for your hard earned money and resources. If you’re not immediately frightened away, I’m certain you will at least have quite a few questions to identify who they are and why they feel entitled to the fruits of your hard work.
This is an example of what it is like when a business with no brand attempts to market its products or services before fully developing its brand. People enjoy doing business with people – especially when they become familiar after a strong first impression.
This workshop will help entrepreneurs understand the importance of building a strong brand identity and learn how to transform your idea into an actionable brand strategy that will help you connect with your target audience and build a strong loyal customer base.
Register to enter a drawing for a chance to win a FREE Brand Development Package from B-EZ Graphix!
Email to purchase a #MakeYourSelf T-Shirt for $25 to promote your journey as an entrepreneur!