How to Make a Million Game Show with host Greg Tish, Real Talk 97.3 All participants in the “How to Make a Million” fund development series are invited to play in the interactive game show. They will be asked an array of questions based on the information that they learned over the 6-part series. Winners in each round will proceed to the end, in which one winner will receive the grand prize valued over $1,000. Join us on FACEBOOK LIVE at 5:30 pm for a fun “Happy 1/2 Hour” and then at 6 pm, cheer on your favorite participant on the game show. Businesses interested in contributing to the grand prize pack should email Rebekah Hair-Stewart at
Why I joined the Chamber
“Our membership in the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce results in weekly benefits. We attend Business Nuts and Bolts, Business After Hours, Lunch & Learn and many of the ribbon cuttings. These provide opportunities to meet and serve new and existing members which equates to increased profits. The chamber leadership team constantly provides top-notch educational and networking events which produce tangible results and every year the programming gets even better.”
John Buck