Introduction to Mindfulness for Modern Living

Be fully present in the moment. The stresses of our modern, busy lifestyles affect both our physical and mental health, draining our sense well-being. But through mindfulness, we can regain our natural ability to live in peace with an open heart and mind.
Learn practical skills that will help you implement mindfulness throughout your life in this day-long workshop. From learning basic tenets of mindfulness to examining your life goals, this class seeks to help students find peace within their own life, regardless of what is happening around them.
In this introductory workshop, you will use a personal life assessment tool from Duke Integrative Medicine Center at Duke University to define your ideal personal vision, identify your personal values that motivate you to make real lifestyle changes, and examine each of the main areas of your life as seen in the Duke Wheel of Health. This Introduction to Mindfulness for Modern living is a combination of instruction and practice with time for discussion and questions and answers.
At the conclusion of this introductory workshop you will understand what mindfulness is, have two basic mindfulness practices that you can use simply and immediately, and started creating your vision for your ideal life.
Introduction to Mindfulness for Modern Living will be held in Goodwood’s Carriage House on Sunday, September 15th from 10 AM to 5 PM. This class is $95. To register, please visit Goodwood’s website at
For more information please contact Shavonne McAndrew, Community Relations Coordinator, at 850-877-4202 ext. 232 or email
About the Instructor:
Pamela Chamberlynn, MSW, NBC-HWC is a graduate of Duke Integrative Medicine Center at Duke University as both a Mindfulness Professional and a Certified Integrative Health Coach Professional. Pamela became one of the first National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coaches in the United States when the National Board of Medical Examiners and the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches standardized health coaching best practices and set up a national exam process. Pamela is an Allied Professional member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and is currently studying to become a Certified Lifestyle Medicine coach through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and WellCoaches. (850) 329-6638,