Local professionals are hosting four discussion groups throughout the City to explore how we can incorporate our Christian faith at work. The groups will read together and discuss Timothy Keller’s book, “Every Good Endeavor,” which explores the Christian view of work (serving others before ourselves), over six weeks. We will consider how we can better live out our Faith within our workplaces, and look specifically at the traits of integrity, discipline and creativity as acts of worship. It is a great way to consider God’s role for you in the midst of the daily challenges within your work. We expect to have lively discussion and a time of great fellowship and hope that you will join us.
See below for locations and times for each group. Click below to let us know that you would like to participate or to request more information.
Groups begin meeting the week of March 26th.
Group 1: Mondays, 11:30am-12:30pm at Tallahassee Christian College
Group 2: Tuesdays, 11:30am-1:00pm in the Chaplain’s Conference Room, 5th floor of the Capitol Building.
Group 3: Mondays, 7:30-8:30am at RedEye Midtown
Group 4:Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 PM at Tallahassee Christian College
For more information, e-mail everygoodendeavor@gmail.com.