Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) Accelerate

Ready to take your business to the next level? EBV Accelerate is a boot camp-style program focused on growth and tackles head-on topics such as the financial, management, marketing and strategic planning challenges established businesses face.
EBV Accelerate is a 3-phase program that gives veterans with a successful business the tools and coaching to propel their business to the next phase: sustainable growth. Topics will include acquiring growth funding, rebranding for expansion, determining a sustainable growth rate, establishing partnerships, managing cash flow, and much more.
PHASE 1 – two weeks of online instruction focused on business analysis (September 24-October 12)
PHASE 2 – is a three-day residency during which participants will create a personalized action plan for their business. (October 22-26)
Tuesday-Thursday; Monday & Friday as Travel Days
Travel to the location is at the candidate’s cost.
Lodging and meals are provided for the participant during the three days of Phase 2.
All program learning materials will be provided at no cost to the participant.
PHASE 3 – involves resources to support the growth of your business.
-Open to all veteran business owners – 50% or more ownership maintained by veteran
-In business for 3 or more years
-Must employ 5 or more full time employees
-Veteran business owner must have served active duty with honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions
Applications Due August 24th!
Apply HERE.