Children and youth are trafficked globally and in the United States at alarming rates. However, rarely are labor trafficked children recognized if systems and individuals zero in only on the victimization of children by sex traffickers. Labor trafficking, or forced labor of children, is often overlooked by many people and systems. The children who are vulnerable to labor trafficking may have factors that can heighten the risk for them, including separation from families and supports, poverty, lack of educational opportunities and undocumented status. Child labor traffickers can be like any other traffickers: from family members to organized crime networks and forced labor of children can coincide with sex trafficking. This presentation is for anyone who has contact with children in our community: neighbors, school personnel, child welfare, law enforcement, justice system, attorneys, parents and grandparents – everyone! Experts will provide a survivor perspective and give attendees information about this current reality that is too often overlooked.
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Presenters: Martina Vandenberg, JD, Founder and President and Evelyn Chumbow, Operations Manager and Survivor Advocate, both of the Human Trafficking Legal Center.
Sponsors: STAC in affiliation with Big Bend Coalition Against Human Trafficking and the International Rescue Committee.