Dr. Kelly Johnson, DC with North Florida Spine and Wellness offers several programs for women who are navigating the female cycle, preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. These programs are paired with chiropractic, supplementation, nutrition, and movement. Dr. Kelly offers free workshops to learn more about the program and its benefits on the second Tuesday of every month. Seating is limited, so reserve your seat for our next workshop on June 14, 2022 by signing up here: www.healthytallahassee.com/birthfit-program/birthfit-workshop-signup-1
The Female Cycle program focuses on creating and maintaining healthy periods. It consists of an examination, consultation, Female Cycle guidebook, period tracking sheets, nutrition, movement, and supplementation recommendations.
The Preconception Program focuses on creating the most optimal environment for parents to conceive. It is recommended to start this program 3 months- a year out prior to trying to conceive. The program consists of an examination, consultation, Preconception guidebook, nutrition, movement, and supplementation recommendations, and blood work if needed.
The Pregnancy Program’s goal is to help guide mom through all stages of her pregnancy starting at the point she found out she was pregnant up until she delivers the baby. The guidebook has trimester checkpoints, provider recommendations, labor prep, nutrition, movement, and supplemental recommendations.
The Postpartum Program is a 6 week program that focuses on the healing recommendations for mom, bonding with baby, nutrition and rest recommendations.
Additional Information: HealthyTallahassee.com/birthfit-program-1