Employee Benefits Compliance 101
Presented by Danielle H. Capilla, Esquire
It is common practice for organizations and HR professionals to outsource employee benefits administration to insurance brokers. However, it is extremely important for HR professionals to obtain general knowledge around employee benefits, its complexity, and ensure compliance. Facilitated by an ERISA attorney, this presentation will educate HR professionals and organization leaders on the basic fundamentals of employee benefit plans such as Section 125 plans, ERISA plan documents, and COBRA administration and compliance. The objectives of the presentation are as follow:
1. Educate & review requirements of 125 plans and qualifying events
2. Educate and review ERISA plan documents and wrap document requirements
3. Educate and review COBRA notice requirements and responsibilities
In addition, join us for a FREE Advanced Benefits Compliance Bonus Session immediately following.
Bonus Session Description: This bonus session presentation will educate HR professionals and organizational leaders with knowledge regarding advanced employee benefits topics such as Medicare Secondary Payor, Medicare intersection with COBRA, the impact of severance on both, annual compliance notices, and Affordable Care Act reporting fines and issues. The objectives of the presentation are as follow:
1. Review Medicare interaction and impact on COBRA and health plans
2. Review various federal notices required to be distributed by employers
3. Review the impact severance agreements have on COBRA and ACA rights