Tweak up your consumer knowledge of how to live in and operate your home efficiently. Come to this program for a wealth of insider tips. Go home and do a few things. Then get set to pocket some savings.
You’ve heard about Smart Meters, which allow your utility to collect data about your home’s energy consumption pattern.
And you probably know that during Fall 2014, Florida’s Public Service Commission voted to radically scale back the conservation goals Florida utilities are required to meet. That may mean fewer incentives offered by your utility – incentives that help you save money while your utility reduces the electric power demand it must meet.
But there’s still a lot an individual can do, and many small investments that make sense on a short timeline. And lest we forget, less fossil fuel burned to generate electricity means less air pollution, less mercury in freshwater fish and fewer greenhouse gases emitted. And a better future for Florida and our grandchildren. Sometimes it IS possible to do “good” for the environment while doing “well” financially.