Each year, volunteer KCCI Community Catalysts spearhead a project that strengthens Tallahassee’s identity. From Discovery in Cascades Park to the iconic TLH letters, Gaines Street to Midtown, KCCI volunteers have helped shape Tallahassee. Now it’s your turn to apply or encourage a friend to apply.
The deadline to apply is Friday, Oct. 30 by 5 p.m. EST. The application does take some time, but if you are selected, past Catalysts say it’s the most incredible experience. KCCI’s Community Catalysts are trained as a team to implement an annual placemaking project that promotes economic vitality.
If you are interested in becoming a Catalyst or know anyone who would be interested, please encourage them to apply at www.KCCITallahassee.com in the “Become a Catalyst” section.