City of Tallahassee Underground Utilities Wins Top Award

2014 Florida Stormwater Association Excellence Award


The City of Tallahassee Underground Utilities’ Stormwater Management department was recently named the recipient of the 2014 Florida Stormwater Association (FSA) Excellence award. This award is presented to stormwater programs that have shown an outstanding commitment to best practices that benefit the environment and local citizens.


“I’m proud to see the City’s Stormwater Management team recognized for its accomplishments,” Mayor John Marks said. “Stormwater projects have enhanced water quality in our community and have helped to improve the landscape of Tallahassee by alleviating flooding and erosion issues affecting hundreds of properties.”


The Stormwater Management department is credited with many innovative accomplishments including the construction of 150 major projects throughout Tallahassee during the last 20 years. These projects represent more than a $150 million investment in infrastructure improvements including flood reduction projects and multi-use ponds, many of which serve as an amenity within several City parks.


As an administrator for the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System, the Stormwater Management department enables local homeowners who own property within the Special Flood Hazard Area to receive a 20 percent discount on flood insurance premiums. The department’s participation has resulted in an annual flood insurance cost savings of approximately $250,000 for Tallahassee citizens.


The award was presented at the annual FSA conference this month. FSA is a statewide association comprised of more than 300 members, including governmental, private and academic organizations.


For more information about stormwater projects designed to address the needs of the community by protecting the health and welfare of citizens through improving and protecting local water resources, please call Your Own Utilities at 891-4YOU (4968) or visit

