Our personal experience teaches that society typically assigns the highest value to desired business results when they are developed and delivered effectively and efficiently. But sometimes the heartbeat of a company doesn’t match the heartbeat of its people, leading to challenges with strategic organizational growth. Dr. Sue Ebbers recently published an article addressing this macro- and micro-level misalignment, which is available for members of The Chamber to read for free at http://bit.ly/CBDTC20210623A. For additional information, please contact Dr. Ebbers at (850) 445-6303 or ebbers@changebydesign.us.

Why I joined the Chamber
“The Chamber has allowed me to tap into the knowledge base of some of the leading business minds of Tallahassee. Most young businesses incorrectly focus their membership on the amount of sales they get; the wealth of the Chamber lies in the friendships and mentors you gain. This will help grow your business in ways you can’t imagine.”
Brian Sealey
Sealey Real Estate Solutions