Big Brothers Big Sisters launches an online talent show, social contest featuring their Littles! Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend (BBBS) is excited to be hosting its first ever, online talent show, ‘The Big Talent Showcase’, featuring online videos of our Littles showcasing their BIG talents! The top four Littles were announced on Facebook LIVE by BBBS CEO Alva Striplin and Blake Dowling, BBBS Board Member and CEO of Aegis Business Technologies. Beginning today, each Little will be featured in their own Facebook Fundraiser giving supporters the opportunity to vote/donate for their favorite. The winner of Big Talent Showcase will be announced LIVE on Monday, October 5th. 2020 has brought challenges and disruption to the BBBS agency, especially youth served in the mentoring programs. Events have been cancelled and fundraising has been limited, so the Board and agency came up with The Big Talent Showcase to engage our community in our mission of one to one mentoring. Dowling‘s idea was molded into a virtual opportunity that would not only engage our community, but also the youth that we serve. All Bigs and Littles worked together creating and submitting videos showcasing the Little’s talent. “Watching and judging these videos was one of the most special opportunities I have had this year. I got choked up watching them and for my small idea to turn into something that brought a lot of smiles to those involved is so humbling and just fantastic. I can’t wait to do it again.” said Dowling. ”With your support for the Big Talent Showcase, we will be able to keep our kids connected during this time of social distancing, school closings, and stress related to the coronavirus,” stated Striplin. To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend go to and follow The Big Talent Showcase on social media.
Why I joined the Chamber
“After being a growing performance improvement and instructional design company for over eight years, I decided a year and a half ago to join the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce. It’s a decision I’m glad I made! I’ve made new and valuable connections through the networking provided by Professional Women’s Forum lunches, their Annual Breakfasts, the CEO forum, and their amazing annual Amelia Island Chamber conference. I’ve also benefited from being a member of one of the Chamber committees and working closely with other successful businesspersons. In addition, key Chamber staff have brokered introductions for me as needed to advance my business interests. As the result, I find I’ve developed increasingly close connections with influential community members and have gotten great business referrals that are paying off in tangible ways. I have nothing but good to say about the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce. I hope you will consider joining us in building a better future for ourselves and our Tallahassee neighborhood.”
Sue Ebbers
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