The 2011 Best and Brightest Awards Ceremony is airing on Channel 23 at various times throughout the rest of the year. The Leon County Schools’ channel will host the World Class Schools program highlighting the 156 talented students who received recognition for their academic excellence and community service. View the ceremony with keynote speaker Coach Sue Semrau, Jim Murdaugh announcing their partnership with TCC scholarships, and over $50,000 in cash awards presented by Envision Credit Union, Credit Union 24 and Ron Sachs Communications. For more information on dates and times for future airing, click here or contact Laura Rogers at 521-3113.
Thursday 7/21 3:00 pm
Sunday 7/24 12:04 pm and 5:45 pm
Monday 7/25 8:00 am and 5:45 pm
Tuesday 7/26 4:50 pm
Wednesday 7/27 2:40 pm
Friday 7/29 8:00 am, 3:00 pm and 5:45 pm