Remote working strategies help local tech business fight on during COVID crisis.
When the Coronavirus outbreak began, many people and businesses struggled with the challenges of shifting their business operations to remote access — and fast. These challenges created a heavy influx of service requests for secure and reliable remote workstations to the Aegis Business Technologies website. Aegis quickly responded to the flood of requests by enhancing their own website to accommodate the surge of requests and to provide rapid remote team dispatch services to meet the needs of Tallahassee area businesses.
“During the first few days and weeks of this health crisis our workload consisted primarily of assisting our clients and other members of the North Florida business community with working safely and securely from homes and other remote locations — something many businesses had never prepared for. We were connecting people with their technology outside of the traditional office space, and the phrasing ‘Connecting People + Technology’ became the core messaging of our new website as well as our core mission during this health crisis,” said Aegis CEO Blake Dowling.
Aegis also wanted to use their website to showcase a new resource for area businesses: the Biz & Tech podcast. This new podcast discusses a range of technology and cybersecurity topics and how they relate to local businesses. It is available for free on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Not only has the podcast allowed Dowling to communicate with his clients directly about what is happening in the tech and cybersecurity industry, it also is a very useful SEO tool that can have a significant return on investment for all businesses.
According to Michael Winn, chief digital officer of Digital Opps, a division of local public relations firm RB Oppenheim Associates, “Aegis has been at the forefront of helping organizations protect themselves from cyber-crime for years and this podcast really allows them to inform and help all types of businesses, including for-profit and nonprofit. Having a podcast for people to access this information as well as blog posts makes it easily accessible and allows their company to boost to the top of any Google search,” Winn said.
As the state and nation prepare to re-open and recover in the coming months, Aegis’ new site positions them not only as an IT support company, but a full-service technology managed services firm, complete with out-sourced tech support, cloud services, cyber security solutions and other technologies a business or organization might need for the “new normal” that COVID-19 has created.
“Aegis will continue to connect Florida, businesses and people to their technology in every way possible and it is our honor and privilege to play a small part with helping our community work remote this spring and summer,” said Dowling.
New site: