Having a fresh set of eyes to look at your work is always advantageous. That’s why new employees can bring so much value to an organization. No matter what line of work you’re in, having someone see what you do for the first time can provide incredible insight. Here at the Chamber, where our mission is to help grow both business and community, it is helpful to add a new perspective to the work we do. You may have seen or heard that our team has recently grown with the addition of Tyler Anne Zimmerman as our Coordinator for Membership Engagement. Tyler comes to us from a background in media sales and happens to be the latest Millennial to join our team. In just a few weeks, she’s already helping us see our familiar programs in a refreshing way.
Earlier this week, Tyler was sharing some thoughts on an important staple of our Chamber programming – Leads Groups. In her new role, Tyler helps our Leads Groups as they self-manage while working to grow relationships and drive business between members. While recapping her first visits to each of our groups, she noted how much she could have gained from being involved in one while working in her previous role. That’s a good sign that the Leads Groups are still highly relevant for the next generation of Chamber members.
Leads Groups have been a part of the Chamber for more than two decades and there is a reason they have had such staying power. While some programs have come and gone over the years, Leads Groups have remained a strong outlet for engagement. What Tyler picked up on so quickly is that those groups are built on strong interpersonal dynamics and a genuine desire for business leaders to help each other prosper. Those are qualities that transcend the generational change happening in many businesses today.
Over 130 Chamber member businesses participate in our Leads Groups. This includes companies that provide nearly every service imaginable. With meeting times that vary throughout the day and locations at venues across the community, there is no shortage of opportunities for Chamber members to find a group that fits their work schedule or company profile. At every meeting, Leads Group members share updates about their business, hear from interesting guest speakers and share specific leads aimed at generating opportunities. What Tyler quickly discovered in watching these activities is that those who choose to join a Leads Group are part of a close-knit band of businesses that act as a microcosm of our larger Chamber business community.
To summarize Tyler’s point about our Leads Groups, what they represent is a scaled down version of the larger Chamber mindset. The meetings are more intimate and the business relationships are particularly strong. This generates a feeling of trust and mutual support among Leads Group members that often produces impressive results. When people care about each other and their shared work and business goals, they are often compelled to act in ways that create a mutual benefit. Tyler has been impressed by this reality and as she keeps learning more about our Leads Groups, she also helps our whole team remember why they are so important.
Understanding what makes our products attractive to the next generation is particularly useful as our whole team continues to plan for how the Chamber should evolve in the coming years. Tyler saw something in our Leads Groups that appealed to her and for our organization to remain relevant, we must keep producing that environment at a high level. We all take a lot of pride in the work we do here and it is especially rewarding to know that our newest team member sees the value in what we do, and can articulate it so clearly to members.
If you haven’t had a chance to meet Tyler, be sure to say hello at an upcoming Chamber event. Or, better yet, ask her about joining a Leads Group.
Jay Revell
Vice President, Advocacy & Public Policy