Guiding Principles & Position Statements

To help implement the Chamber’s strategic plan, the Chamber Board of Directors approved a set of guiding principles for our organization that that are aimed at guiding the actions of our committees, staff, and actions. These principles are an important step towards strengthening the Chamber’s ability to have a positive impact on the local economy and business environment:

  1. We believe in policies that will positively impact business retention and expansion.
  2. We believe that government leadership must prioritize growing our local business and economy, as reflected in its culture, policies and budget.
  3. We believe in providing a strong infrastructure to support growing local business and our economy.
  4. We believe regulations should be streamlined and reduced to facilitate business growth.
  5. We believe tax and fee burdens should be minimized on business, and we will only support an increase in taxes or fees on local business that demonstrates measurable benefit to local business and economy.
  6. We believe a strong talent development system should be created that supports our current workforce needs and establishes a talent pipeline to meet future workforce demands.


These guiding principles have led the Board of Directors to take a clear position on key topics affecting our community. Below are the Chamber’s positions on recent discussions: