Centers of Excellence & Research

famu_sealFlorida A&M University Office of Research
Dr. Timothy E. Moore, Vice-President for Research
410 Foote-Hilyer Administration Center
Tallahassee, FL 32307
Phone: (850) 412-5102


fsu-seal-3dFlorida State University Office of Research
Dr. Gary K. Ostrander, Vice-President for Research
3012 Westcott North
Tallahassee Fl, 32306
(850) 644-3347

Florida State University Centers of Excellence

Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion

Dr. Farrukh Alvi
Phone: 850-644-0053

Located at Florida State University, the Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) is designed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving and highly competitive aerospace industry. FCAAP objectives are to help train and sustain the much needed, highly skilled workforce; to design and develop new technologies and products required to help sustain the aerospace industry; and to transition the technology to applications in a timely and efficient manner.

Florida Center for Interactive Media

Mike Ferguson
Phone: 850-645-1753

The Florida Center for Interactive Media (FCIM) helps organizations plan, design, create, and implement original technology tools to meet their specific needs. FCIM develops custom products and services such as e-Learning opportunities for students and professionals; web-based tools for collecting data and generating meaningful reports; video production and editing, animation, and graphic arts; products designed to work in unique technology environments, including mobile devices.

Florida Center for Reading Research

Dr. Barbara Foorman
Phone: 850-645-7456

The Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) is a multidisciplinary research center at Florida State University. FCRR explores all aspects of reading research—basic research into literacy-related skills for typically developing readers and those who struggle, studies of effective prevention and intervention, and psychometric work on formative assessment.

Applied Superconductivity Center

David Larbalestier
Phone: 850-645-7483

The Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC) advances the science and technology of superconductivity and particularly superconductivity applications. We do this by investigating low temperature and high temperature materials through our research grants and through our collaborations with other universities, national laboratories and industry. We continually educate post-graduate, graduate and undergraduate students by our research and public service.

Center for Advanced Power Systems

Dr. Roger McGinnis
Phone: 850-645-1183

Florida State University’s Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) performs basic and applied research to advance the field of power systems technology. CAPS emphasis is on application to electric utility, defense, and transportation, as well as, developing an education program to train the next generation of power systems engineers. CAPS research focuses on electric power systems modeling and simulation, power electronics and machines, control systems, thermal management, cyber-security for power systems, high temperature superconductor characterization and electrical insulation research.

Center for Advancement of Learning and Assessment

Faranak Rohani
Phone: 850-645-2252

Florida State University’s Center for Advancement of Learning and Assessment (CALA) is an applied research center that embraces a holistic approach to instruction, learning, and assessment. CALA’s goal is to help their clients consider the entire cycle of learning without sacrificing any one element. To that end, they collaborate with their clients to set goals, develop research-based training and assessment tools, and design platforms for effective presentation of information.

Center for Information Management & Educational Services

Rebecca Augustyniak
Phone: 850-644-5602

Florida State University’s Center for Information Management & Educational Services (CIMES) is a multidisciplinary consulting and technical center that serves both public and private agencies. While CIMES is a proven problem solver for Florida government in diverse areas such as public health, education, and environmental protection, its reach also extends across the country to California, Nebraska, and Maryland. CIMES’ capabilities include developing knowledge management and web-based systems; providing clearinghouse services; developing marketing campaigns; designing training programs; creating print and multimedia materials.

Center for Ocean, Atmospheric Prediction Studies

Eric Chassignet
Phone: 850-645-7288

Florida State University’s Center for Ocean, Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) performs interdisciplinary research in ocean-atmosphere-land-ice interactions to increase our understanding of the physical, social, and economic consequences of climate variability. COAPS scientists and students come from a wide range of disciplines, including meteorology, oceanography, statistics, and the computer and information sciences.

Institute for Energy Systems, Economics, and Sustainability

Dr. David Cartes
Phone: 850-645-1184

Florida State University’s Institute for Energy Systems, Economics, and Sustainability (IESES) is an essential component of Florida’s leadership in sustainable energy. IESES carries out basic research and analysis in engineering, science, infrastructure, governance and the related social dimensions all designed to further a sustainable energy economy. IESES unites researchers from the disciplines of engineering, natural sciences, law, urban and regional planning geography, and economics to address sustainability and alternative power issues in the context of global climate change.

Institute for International Cooperative Environmental Research

Roy Herndon
Phone: 850-645-7913

Florida State University’s Institute for International Cooperative Environmental Research (ICER) conducts scientific cooperation that not only results in rapid and cost-effective advances in environmental research, but also provides increased educational and research opportunities for students. This student involvement is made evident by the significant participation of both undergraduate and graduate students in all of the ICER activities, as well as in the scholarships provided to students through the ICER’s international symposium series and workshops. The workshops, training courses, and symposia which the ICER conducts are all important parts of its cooperative international environmental program.

High Performance Materials Institute

Frank Allen
Phone: 850-645-8984

The Florida State University High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on the field of advanced materials. Currently, HPMI is involved in four primary technology areas: High-Performance Composite and Nanomaterials, Structural Health Monitoring, Multifunctional Nanomaterials Advanced Manufacturing and Process Modeling. Over the last several years, HPMI has proven a number of technology concepts that have the potential to narrow the gap between research and practical applications of nanotube-based materials.

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Greg Boebinger
Phone: 850-644-0851

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) is the largest and highest powered magnet lab in the world. With facilities at Florida State University, the University of Florida and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, the MagLab offers scientists from across the globe free access to unique instruments and expertise, advancing basic science, engineering and technology in the 21st century.

Florida A&M University Centers of Excellence

Center for Biological Control

Dr. Lambert Kanga
Phone: 850-412-7263
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The Center for Biological Control was formally established in 1999 as one of the Research Centers within the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (CAFS) [formerly College of Engineering Sciences, Technology and Agriculture (CESTA)]. However, biological control research had been ongoing in CAFS since 1976 with significant contributions being made to the taxonomy of weed biological agents and other areas.  The long-term goal of the Center for Biological Control is to become nationally recognized for ecologically-based pest management which will be defined by, excellence through quality, and effectiveness in research, training and outreach.

Center for Disability Access & Resources

Dr. Lambert Kanga
Phone: 850-412-7263
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The Center for Disability Access and Resources provide services and academic accommodations for students of all backgrounds on campus with documented physical, psychological and learning disabilities. Not only do we advocate for our participants, but we encourage them to become their own advocates as well.

Center for Environmental Equity & Justice

Dr. Victor Ibeanusi, Dean
Phone: 850-599-3550
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The Center for Environmental Equity and Justice is an information resource center to increase the community, faith-based organizations, state and local government and any other interested parties awareness of environmental justice issues primarily in the state of Florida and throughout the country. The Center assists, trains, and educates people about environmental justice.

Center for Ethnic Psychological Research & Application

Dr. Jackie Robinson
Phone: 850-412-7827
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The mission of the Center for Ethnic Psychological Research and Application (CEPRA) is to promote mental wellness, enhance mental health literacy, and improve overall behavioral/mental health for all individuals with special emphasis on African American and other underserved populations. The mission is accomplished through research, education, and training components.

Center for Health Equity

Dr. Michael D. Thompson
Phone: 850-599-3171
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The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (COPPS) developed the Center for Health Equity (CHE) to evaluate and provide solutions for the elimination of health disparities in underserved populations through research, education and building community linkages. Models to evaluate and reduce disparities will be created and evaluated across racial, ethnic and socioeconomic categories, and the findings will be used to recommend changes intended to improve health and disease-related outcomes and health care policy as it affects underserved populations. The Center is composed of an interdisciplinary team representing pharmacy, medicine, nursing, psychology, public health and social work.

Center for International Agricultural Trade, Development Research, & Training

Ms. Harriet A. Paul
Phone: 850-599-8867
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Center for International Law & Justice

Prof. Randall Abate
Phone: 407-254-3267
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Center for Plasma Science & Technology

Dr. Charles Weatherford
Phone: 850-599-3470
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Housed in the Department of Physics at Florida A&M University (FAMU), The Center for Plasma Science and Technology (CePaST) is to become the premier center for the study of plasmas in the state of Florida. In its newly renovated and expanded facility in Tallahassee’s Innovation Park, the Center is home to a highly successful team of faculty, students and researchers dedicated to the new science and new applications of theoretical, experimental, and computational Plasma Physics. The center is the flagship of FAMU’s commitment to comprehensive research excellence with technological impact.

Center for Secure Computing & Information Assistance

Ms. Christy Chatmon
Phone: 850-599-3042
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Center for Viticulture Science & Small Fruit Research

Dr. Stephen Leong
Phone: 850-599-3996
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The Center for Viticulture and Small Fruit Research at Florida A&M University (FAMU) was established by the Florida legislature in 1978 in accordance with Senate Bill No. 898 identified as the “Florida Viticulture Policy Act” to provide leadership, undertake research, extension and development activities that will contribute to industry growth and development. It is an integral component of the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences.

Center for Water & Air Quality

Dr. Cassel Gardner
Phone: 850-561-2302
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The Center supports undergraduate and graduate teaching programs in soil and water sciences and provides research opportunities for experiential learning in natural resources program areas.  The faculty in the Center conducts basic and applied research to address critical problems in the areas of water and air quality and sustainability of natural resources and the environment. It undertakes educational activities in cooperation with FAMU Cooperative Extension Program to serve stakeholder needs in water quality and quantity and watershed management. The Center faculty is also engaged in international activities related to water resources and water quality in the developing countries.

Environmental Cooperative Sciences Center

Dr. Michael Abazinge
Phone: 850-599-3550
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Environmental Cooperative Science Center (ECSC) mission is to train a new generation of environmental scientists in NOAA-related sciences, particularly from under-represented minority groups, and to develop the natural and social science tools for integrated assessments of ecosystem health in support of coastal environmental decision making.

Institute for Building Sciences

Prof. Thomas D.Pugh
Phone: 850-599-3007
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The Institute for Building Sciences endeavors to foster excellence in scholarly inquiry, research, and service activities that increase knowledge, enhance the environment, and serve mankind. Within these broad goals and in the spirit of academic freedom, the Institute encourages all initiatives of the faculty without regard to topic, philosophical orientation, or potential for external funding.

Institute of Public Health

Dr. Cynthia M. Harris
Phone: 850-599-3254
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Institute for Research in Music & Entertainment Industry Studies

Dr. Kawachi Clemons
Phone: 850-599-8540
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The Florida A&M University Institute for Research in Music and Entertainment Industry Studies (IRMEIS) was created to assess the current and future state of popular music in America through the development of innovative student-centered programming and research.  The institute’s research and academic arm focuses on popular music in its historical, cultural, and aesthetic domains and its linkages to other artistic forms of representation. While the institute promotes scholarly inquiry in all world musics, its core research centers on Black popular music of the Americas.

Juvenile Justice Research Institute

Dr. Gregory J. Harris
Phone: 850-599-3000
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The Florida A&M University Juvenile Justice Research Institute (FAMU JJRI) is committed to reducing the overrepresentation of minority youth entering, or at-risk of entering, the juvenile justice system by developing and advocating the use of research driven best practices in prevention, intervention, treatment, and aftercare/re-entry services.

Meek-Eaton Southeastern Regional Black Archives Research Center & Museum

Dr. Elizabeth Dawson
Phone: 850-599-3020
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The Carnegie Library (pictured above) is located on the historic campus of Florida A&M University (FAMU). Construction on the library started in 1907 and the facility officially opened to the public in 1908. It was the first Carnegie Library built on a black land-grant college campus. The library was also the institution’s first brick veneer building.  In 1976, Carnegie Library became the founding home of the Black Archives Research Center and Museum. In 1978, Carnegie Library was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Small Business Development Center

Keith Bowers
Phone: 850-599-3407
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Florida A&M University is proud to be a host institution for the Small Business Development Center in northwest Florida. The Small Business Development Center at Florida A&M University (Florida SBDC) works with existing and startup small businesses to help them grow and compete in today’s global economy. Florida SBDCs are available to provide assistance during every phase of the business life cycle. The improvements that result from our direct support of our client’s activities lead to job creation, investments, and economic growth for communities throughout northwest Florida.

Sustainability Institute

Abena Ojetayo
Phone: 850-599-8231