CCI Spring 2025 Career Fair

The College of Communication & Information (CCI) at Florida State University will host its Spring Career Fair on 2/3/25 (Monday).  Thank you for attending the previous career fairs that we have hosted.  Employers can set up starting at 12:00 and students will arrive at 1pm.


Our plan this year is as follows:

12:00-12:55pm                 Employers arrive and Set up!

12:15-1:00pm                   Employer Lunch

01:00-03:00pm                 College students meet with you to talk about careers, internships, etc

03:00-03:30pm                Event closes/Take down


The Career Fair is a unique opportunity to meet undergraduate and graduate students from the three schools within our College – the School of Communication, the School of Communication Sciences & Disorders, and the School of Information – who are interested in internships and/or employment with your company.  In addition, our students are in high demand – with majors in Information Technology, Advertising, Public Relations, Media Production, Media/Communication Studies and Communication Science & Disorders, and Information, Communication and Technology. More information about our programs can be found at our website (

Besides the Career Fair – we have other options for your company to get connected with students; email me to set up a time to talk.

As always, there is NO COST to you for participating in this event.

Please let me know whether you will accept our invitation by completing the form below before Monday 1/27/25 so that we can share your info with the students:

You can call me at 716-207-7251 or email me at with any questions. Confirming details will be sent on 1/27/25.   We look forward to hearing from you and having you join us.